Jan 30, 20233 min read

Nov 13, 20242 min read

Apr 7, 20232 min read

Feb 6, 20232 min read
Mukta Kapur a Story Teller, Poet and Lifestyle Blogger
Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge is praised by the intelligent who have mastered the shastra [scriptures] she is the wife of the creator. May she live on my tongue.
I bow to goddess Saraswati, who fulfilled the wishes of the devotees. I pray for her to enlighten me with knowledge.
Little Sounds of Silence is a book that is a combination of poems, short stories, and articles.A few of them are my personal life experiences. The book is about people, little things, and incidents that somewhere pricked me silently and inspired me to write about them. And I do feel that most people experience similar emotions at some point in their lives. The book is suitable for readers of all age groups, be it young or old. The book is meant to inspire to move forward in the journey of life, fighting all odds and looking at the positive aspect, leaving behind what is lost, and never losing hope at trying times. The title of the book Little Sounds of Silence appropriately explains the subject matter being written about in the book, be it poems, short stories, or articles. As silence does speak volumes, for it questions and does answer what is unanswered and is always heard.
The website is a tribute to my father late Mr. Huteshwar Kapur who recently passed away due to Covid 19.
Sometimes we are unaware of our own potentials unless and until that one special person enters our life and makes us realize our hidden qualities and inspire us to pursue our dreams. And that person is none other than my fairy God Mother Ms. Usha Kiran, a beautiful soul who showed me the way when I felt completely lost and lonely in life. Her blessings and guidance motivated me to move forward in this journey of life.